CELOX, 15g Pouch
CELOX is a new revolutionary granular hemostatic agent that quickly controls anything from those pesty but simple superficial wound to those hard to control deep arterial high-volume arterial wounds with heavy bleeding.
How does it work? It's positively charged granules cross link with negatively charged red cells to form a clot independent of normal clotting factors. Simple and safe to use, just swab the wound with gauze, pour it in, and apply pressure. Unlike other products, CELOX is not exothermic, and won't burn the victim or caregiver. Patients in shock are often cold so it is nice to know that CELOX is approved for use in hypothermic conditions.
What is most important for you as a caregiver to know is that CELOX can be used instantly and without any hesitation as a fast, simple and safe emergency treatment for moderate to serious bleeding.
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